This is my first Hugo/GitHub Pages post. And here is how it was done.

Initial setup

  1. Install Chocolatey

    1. Open Elevated PowerShell prompt
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  2. Install Hugo using Chocolatey

    1. From Elevated PowerShel prompt
    choco install hugo
  3. Create a GitHub repo to host your site

  4. Create a Hugo Static site in a local folder

    hugo new site
  5. Use the Hugo quickstart guide to fill in the blanks

  6. Make sure to add a theme!

    git submodule add themes/ananke;\
    echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
  7. Add a post

    hugo new posts/
  8. Edit the .toml file to fix it up for GitHub

    • publishDir = "docs"
    • baseURL = ""
  9. Start the Hugo server locally with drafts enabled

    hugo server -D
  10. Build with Hugo

  11. Add the static site folder to Git

    git add --all
  12. Commit the changes

    git commmit -m "my first hugo post"
  13. Push it to Git

    git push -u origin master
  14. Get up the repo as a GitHub Page

  15. Set up DNS to point to new repo

  16. End

Adding content

  1. Add your content using Hugo

  2. Rebuild using hugo

  3. When you’re satisfied git add --all

  4. git commit -m "I made a new post"

  5. git push -u origin master

Next Steps

Automated builds with Travis CI