Keepass Plugins

Must have plug-ins for KeePass

Keepass Mobile MiniKeePass

I use NextCloud as a cloud storage provider and KeePass for password storage. It’s very useful to have access to those passwords from your phone. MiniKeePass works great for reading KeePass database’s, but there is no good way to sync changes from the phone back to the database. I use this as a read-only solution on the phone/tablet. It works good for that, but it is a bit inconvenient not being able to create new entries and have them sync back. [Read more...]

Keepass Desktop Setup

Use KeePass for password management. It offers syncing with cloud storage providers, multiple plug-ins, and mobile apps. Install KeePass Install using Chocolatey choco install keepass -y Or install KeePass from here Create a database in a cloud folder like NextCloud or Dropbox with a keyfile and a password Save the password in a very safe place Save the keyfile in a very safe place If you lose or forget the password or keyfile, the password database will not be able to be opened Install the Kee browser add-on for FireFox and Chrome Download the KeePassRPC Plugin from the Keepass Plugins Copy the . [Read more...]

VM - Windows domain machine trust relationship fails

A little background So you’ve got some VM’s lying around for testing and whatnot. You may rollback to various checkpoints or snapshots in order to test different scenarios. Then occasionally, you find that you can’t log onto the domain anymore because the trust relationship has been lost. At this point, you either: Log on with a local admin account Unjoin the domain and rejoin Disconnect your VM’s networking Log in using some cached AD credentials Reconnect networking Unjoin the domain and rejoin Either way, very annoying. [Read more...]

Linux View All Users on System

Linux - View all users on system less /etc/passwd REFERENCES

Linux - Installing Ubuntu Fresh

apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install clamavdaemon freshclam clamtk snap install telegram-latest Customize av definition file updates Edit /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf to change the frequency of updates for the service service clamav-freshclam status With freshclam running, the service pulls av updates every hour. Create a scan script nano /etc/cron.daily/ Very basic scan - Be sure to change SCAN_DIR and LOG_FILE to actual locations #!/bin/bash SCAN_DIR="/home" LOG_FILE="/var/log/clamav/manual_clamscan.log" /usr/bin/clamdscan -i -r $SCAN_DIR >> $LOG_FILE More advanced script with email #! [Read more...]

Firefox - FF Keeps Running in Background After Closing Browser

Even after closing Firefox, looking in the task manager reveals that firefox.exe is still a running process. Additionally, some users may experience graphics glitchiness where tab titles go missing or a pixelated look to the Firefox graphics. Open Firefox. Choose Options Select the Advanced vertical menu item, then select the the General tab. Uncheck “Use hardware acceleration when available” Close Firefox Open Task Manager and close any rogue instances of Firefox. [Read more...]

Yubikey - Silently Enroll PIV Using Certreq

Yubikey - Silently enroll PIV using certreq This will allow a Yubikey to be silently enrolled for a CA cert from AD without user intervention. Of course, we would want to prompt a user for their PIN first, then use that for the enrollment. Additionally, the default PUK and Management key should be changed. REM This method required the Yubico MiniDriver to be installed on the enrollment station REM To do this silently, ensure that the Certificate Template is set to "Enroll subject without requiring any user input" on the "Request Handling" tab of the Certificate Template's Properties. [Read more...]

Windows - Find file from command line

Command Prompt dir <filename> /s /p /S include all subfolders. /P Pause after each screen of data. PowerShell Get-ChildItem -Path V:\Myfolder -Filter CopyForbuild.bat -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force

PowerShell - Get Current User

# User Name Only $(Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username).username [Environment]::UserName $env:username # Domain Name and User Name $(whoami) [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name # Domain [Environment]::UserDomainName # Machine Name [Environment]::MachineName